Friday, September 23, 2011

Ten ways to improve your skills of observation of nature

!±8± Ten ways to improve your skills of observation of nature

Observation of nature is inspiring, unpredictable, frustrating but ultimately rewarding.

You can improve your experience of observing nature as well as your ability to wild animals, first to master some techniques of a place. Take a hike or a camp to prepare for a few moments to practice these simple skills and be enthusiastic about the value it adds to your outdoor experience to be.

1 Before you hit the trail. Studying a map of the area noticed the shape of the country, and whereWater sources are located. Look for transitions, limited areas of forests and streams feed into ponds where the animals can move in and out. Your goal is to identify the animal before you stain. Controlled or camouflage clothing patterns helps to blur the edges, but you also have to be organized, your scent, your shadow and movement do not you give away.

2 Thinking Like a wild animal. Predators, including humans, have their eyes on the head, in the eyes of prey animalsare on the side of the head. Predators have a better depth perception, while prey have the advantage of a wide field of view. The sound sight and smell of a man who scares off most of the animals. If you get used to notice the movement at the edges of the visual field, will be seen that if you looked straight ahead or down at your feet. I find it useful to practice the development of my peripheral vision and my deep breath when stuck in traffic or waiting in a long line sets. Practice fox walk(Keep your weight on your back foot only after carefully remove the front foot down), so you can stroll in the woods.

3 Use all your senses. Cup hands behind ears, where the noise source. You learn to distinguish between songs and calls of birds, frogs, rodents, and animal sounds. Every expression has a meaning, if other, an alarm that announces predator territory, attract a partner or find a family member. Have you ever noticed that animals have a wet nose?Lightly moisten the nose to improve your sense of smell. Feel the difference between the path and down the dirt loose leaves and twigs off the track. This is useful when traveling at night. Practice walking short distances with your eyes closed. You have to touch your hand, or hanging branch or spider web that you go into it? Trust your intuition. If you feel like you watched, curious and scared an animal can not move away from the runway waiting to depart or.

4Practice practice practice. In addition to developing peripheral vision, Fox try to walk, to see how close you can give your dog or cat, before your pet notices. If you have access to a pond or a lake, fox trying to walk, to see how close a duck, a goose can get - or a green frog. Try sitting quietly five minutes, gradually increasing the length of time you can sit without stirring. Many people use simple breathing exercises to help slow, but stillto attract attention.

5 Location, location, location. Now, as you study the map to find the areas of transition on your excursion. As you approach these areas, slow down and focus your vision on the farthest place, scanning the area. Find a place with a slight increase, a rock or a tree to your back against the spotted, prop your structure shade and a dry place to sit and wait and padded to soften. Wind carries your scent even more than 25 meters, in order to deal with the wind. Do you want yourNose blowing behind him, not against you.

6 At sunrise and sunset are prime. Plan your destination at least 90 minutes before sunrise (first light) or to suspend or less than an hour after sunset. This is the most animals are active. Some go home for the day, others are just beginning their nocturnal activities. If you are resolved and are still mixed in the environment, animals on their normal activities like going to hide or escape.

Even mixed 7the shortest man dominates most of the wild animals. Head-on with our vision, which set our heads and jerky movements of hands, our heavy equipment and the fact that our scent 25 feet in all directions in a windless day, most animals will be determined before notice them more. During the trip, stopping frequently to your destination, scan range. If you notice a horizontal line between the vertical shafts, is the backbone of a four-legged animal or a broken branch? On sunny daysUse the shaded areas to hide in your shadow. Light striking the back of your silhouette contours which spreads illuminating, as if your shadow is in front of you. To hide human scent, some observers maintain the natural squeezing their clothes free in a box with wood chips or native plants.

8 Wild animals successfully. The more you know where an animal is likely to live, if it is active during the day or night, where it will build or find shelter when the races, or ifmoves, the easier it is to limit the paper, if you catch just a glimpse. I discovered more animals than I am engaged in writing, relaxed, quiet and peripheral vision. By placing no threat, various species of animals, including the Blue Jays are catbirds, squirrels and even deer out of the shadow visits. There techniques to make the sounds that cause the animals to come out of hiding there will be, but because people are a threat to wildlife, I do, to refrain fromthis.

9 Develop patience. In our results-oriented culture, speed is rewarded, but in the natural world, these are not easy. The sounds, places, smells, textures and patterns can be identified, the more you realize what you've lost all the time.

10 Lifetime Learning. I learned that rabbits are easier to approach the storm. I also just learned that the robins I saw my window all winter, Canada and robins eat the migratedWorms from the lawn throughout the spring and summer are here from the south. I do not know why these things are true, but I'll find out eventually. The mastery of any skills lasts a lifetime. I spent so much time reading and research, I like to spend on the field. And 'the best investment I've ever done.

Ten ways to improve your skills of observation of nature

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Spousal emotional abuse During Divorce - What can be done

!±8± Spousal emotional abuse During Divorce - What can be done

Is your spouse violent, abusive, harassing? In cases of harassment or violence there are legal remedies and there are practical things that can and should do. This is not a bargain - these are strategies for self-defense. Physical and mental abuse should never be tolerated.

Injunctions. The judges of domestic violence and harassment injunction - a court order, served personally on your spouse, forbidding certain behaviors.Restraining orders are available as part of a divorce.

If you, your children or someone in your family has been abused or threatened physical harm, the offender may be asked to leave and stay away from the family residence. Visit baby can be used for specific times and places that are away from home and, if necessary, under supervision orders. It takes a very clear evidence of danger or harm to children on a visit to prohibit.

In extreme cases, the mostStates permit emergency orders to be issued ex parte - without notice or participation of the spouse. These orders are binding until the hearing can be held and more orders issued after both parties had the opportunity to tell their side.

Here's the good news: More than 85 percent of all restraining orders are respected. Served with orders from a court seems to have a good effect on most of the authors, and more to the point that they now know that they are not serious, that a victim.Think of it this way:

Is your spouse the kind of person that I respect a court order? Will he or she care about the police or being dragged out in court and taught by a judge? Your spouse has a good reputation, money or property should be protected? Or is your spouse, in the heat of rage, ignore the threat of sanctions or the official reality?

If you go for injunctions as part of your divorce action, you can also create a temporary order for support,Custody, visitation rights and that the terms of your separation is set, then held up a large-scale study or reached an agreement. Temporary work can be very useful if you stabilize your case or get support to come to

Police. If you get a restraining order, you must contact the local police files. This may put additional pressure to protect themselves. But even if you do not have court orders, call the police if you are a victim of domestic violence or harassment, and maintainhe exclaims. At least it is a case of testing and development.

The police can be a reliable source of help in domestic situations, although it can vary from place to place. They were accused of prejudice and sexism, but if this is true, their behavior is also frustrating and dangerous for years. The police are much more likely to be injured and less likely to do really good in domestic disputes than in any other type ofCase.

This difficult question has received much public attention, so police agencies now tend become standard for dealing with domestic violence. Some departments have officers specially trained crisis family intervention.

Ask responding officers if available, reference is made to protect a spouse abuse, support groups or relevant community services agencies. Call the local police, talk to them about your problem and see what their attitude and the way in whichwilling to help. Start a record in its files.

Self-help. The best help is the kind you give yourself the only thing you can control in life is your attitude, actions and reactions, so start from there. What is your role in the circulation, leading to game abuse? Try things that prevent your spouse on the road. This does not mean give up and roll, but it does mean learning to express themselves clean and not to provoke. In the most difficult relationships, there are various models ofAction and reaction that builds to an eruption. Try to understand your part and stop the cycle.

Whether a victim. Spouse abuse is a very common problem, so I'm not unique or alone. Almost every community has professionals, agencies and support groups that have a high degree of experience and knowledge on the conflict at home. This is your main source of help and support. Get in touch with them. To find a local support group, ask a minister to call the policeDepartment or social services agency. If a group or a consultant is not what you want, try another.

There are many practical steps you can take. Perhaps you can seek help from friends and family to get, maybe move someone with you for a while ', or have a roommate. In general, the abuse is reduced drastically when there are others. One obvious solution is to practice away, for good or, at least until things cool down. Or change all the locks, bar the windows and get aunlisted telephone number. Or get a large dog. Or take lessons in self-defense. Hide if necessary - can be better than someone sitting duck. The main thing is to do everything necessary to create your own peace and security, not only for police or court orders need to solve the problem.

This article is an excerpt from the book Divorce Solutions awarded: how best not to divorce. And 'possible to order the book from Nolo Press Occidental or by telephone at (800)464-5502.

Copyright 2005 Ed Sherman

Spousal emotional abuse During Divorce - What can be done

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hemangiosarcoma - an (almost) silent and lethal canine cancer

!±8± Hemangiosarcoma - an (almost) silent and lethal canine cancer

November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month. One of the most deadly dog ​​has hemangiosarcoma tumors, or cancer of the blood vessels. Hemangiosarcoma can as a skin cancer that can be successfully treated if it occurs early enough, such as cancer or internal organs, particularly the spleen or the heart. The prognosis for heart and spleen hemangiosarcoma is bad, even with aggressive treatment, as is often the first sign of a problem if theTumor bursts and causes massive internal bleeding. A further complication is that since it is a cancer of the blood vessels, cancer cells have spread to other areas, usually the body by the time of diagnosis. Consequently, the median survival time for the domestic market post-cancer diagnosis is measured in weeks or months, even with surgery and chemotherapy. Hemangiosarcoma can occur in any breed, but there is a certain predisposition to German shepherd dogs, LabradorRetrievers and Golden Retrievers. Within my circle of friends, parents, pets last year we have a Siberian Husky, an Australian Shepherd, has lost a golden retriever and my mini-poodle, Tiny, to hemangiosarcoma.

What are the signs and symptoms to be taken into account? Evaluated for skin-based tumors, unusual growth on the skin by your veterinarian and biopsied if there is a suspicion of cancer. It 'a good idea to check your pet often the skin, especially sinceAge for all abnormal lumps or bumps. Many are clearly benign, but only with your veterinarian and pathologist-cancerous skin growths.

For internal organ cancers, the signs can be much more subtle, and sometimes does not exist. In the heart-shaped hemangiosarcoma, you'll find weakness, weight loss, anorexia recovery, difficulty breathing, or any kind of effort. These may be simple signs of aging, heart disease or other lung tumor growth. Here tooa visit to your vet potential of X-rays, ultrasound, CT scan or other diagnostic scans, the cause of the problem. If undiagnosed, the heart broke at the end of the tumor and massive internal bleeding.

Hemangiosarcoma in the spleen form, unless the tumor is very large and can be seen on the abdomen, may be the early warning signs of total collapse if the tumor rupture. Small when he addressed more than usual "old weak man"Evenings at home and could not bear. He was 17 years old at the time, and had a beginning belly plump from the loss of muscle tone associated with aging. I immediately took him to the emergency vet run (was never one of his emergency situations during normal business hours to have a veterinary clinic), where the doctor and his stomach is pulled quickly exhausted bloody fluid. She told me about their suspicions that an enlarged spleen was broken, and recommended an ultrasound toconfirm their diagnosis. Ultrasound showed a very large spleen, liver and some suspected areas. We discussed the two options: surgery of the spleen and parts of his liver to remove suspicion and euthanasia. Given his age and all types of complications, we must take the difficult decision.

But when Tiny room for the final procedure, if he had miraculously recovered from his collapse, was very happy to see us, and began to wonderWe play with him. The vet suggested that the internal bleeding had stopped and he was again transfused. Seemed to be a discussion of other alternatives and the fact that he tells us that he was not ready to go still based, we took him home and is a specialist tour early the next morning.

Small lobectomy had a splenectomy and liver resection and came through surgery with flying colors, especially in view of his age. We opted for areduced and low-dose chemotherapy, and for the rest of his life, he took different medications doxycycline and delicate as Deramaxx to help the cancer at bay. He also received acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas in addition to Western medicine. Despite six months or less to survive, the majority of patients hemangiosarcoma, Tiny lived two and a half years to spread the cancer to the brain and mouth. When he started having difficulty eating and beganSeizures, it was time to help on the "Rainbow Bridge". Its outcome and duration of survival with a good quality of life was unusually positive, but he was a fighter with a strong will to live.

Hemangiosarcoma in survival depends largely on how early you can reach and if it is a surface / skin lesion instead of an internal tumor. Treatment options may be limited, especially if a tumor can be broken, and diagnostics, surgery and chemotherapy are costly. You know your dogbetter than any other, and are best placed to make informed decisions (with the help of your veterinarian) to be the best approach, if this deadly cancer affecting your dog.

Hemangiosarcoma - an (almost) silent and lethal canine cancer

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Family Activities - 40 Fun & Useful Ideas for every family

!±8± Family Activities - 40 Fun & Useful Ideas for every family

Not achieved success in life determined by the degree, institution attended, awards, professional achievements or assets. The true success in life should be determined only by which we, the attributes that we receive, the kindness we show the goodness that issue, and selfless service we give. Similarly, our success in marriage family, fatherhood, and the final result of our children through this same standard to be determined.

And while it is a sadReality that our current media, literature, advertising, education, business and entertainment certainly does not preach the same message, the reality is deeply ironic that in the human heart - in every age of human existence - the People around the world knows that the principle described above true! Not only the family's most important institution for the development and progression and morals of our society is that family relationships are moreimportant that each of our individual lives.

Yet how many times each of us, not to prove our understanding of this principle through our actions. Each of us can and must, as we speak, to improve, to act, and take time for the important relationships in our lives - family! Here are listed only 40 of the hundreds of ideas a fun and useful for families, but more importantly the actual activity, the goal is simply to find time for family - and often!Never forget that when all is said and done, our wealth acquired professional achievements, talents developed, receive awards - none of these successes can justify otherwise your family in the process. The great difficulty and rewards of life to be solved to find the time for the family, and participate in activities with them, to build, strengthen, develop confidence, create memories, laughter cause, and to offer healthy and memorable experiences to strengthen their family. AgoEffort? Of course not! Is it worth it? Absolutely! The list may be low, but a beginning of many ideas, traditions and activities to help your family:

1 Go to father and daughter or father-child appointments (for mothers). Take each child individually for ice cream, a walk, a movie, a game, a disc - just to be together, laughing and talking!

2 Do you have a movie night with family, going to a local game or performance, go to a sporting event, eat together, etc.

3 Go toNursing home and read the stories, with a visit to sing and talk, and only to help patients.

4 Making a meal or a couple of goodies for the neighbors or friends, the elderly who are sick, they need a friend, or could use some help.

5 In a random night school, just take the children and families together for ice cream.

6 Prepare a contingency plan in the family: what to do in case of fire, intrusion, power outage, tornado / hurricane, or when the children go, if no one is home, etc.

7 GoCamping, hiking or fishing together.

8 Leave notes around the house just for the kids (or mom and dad) to say I love you and thanks for _______!

9 Visit local historical sites in your city / region.

10 often talk to each of your children! Just talk to them, listen to them, teach them, laugh with them and help them. He talks about drugs, sex and chastity, school / education, peer pressure, friends and family to do the right thing, setting goals, etc.

11 VisitLocal library, checking out and reading books and encourage reading and education (at that time to go for ice cream or milkshakes).

12 Go on a picnic with family - in a park near the river, the ravine in the backyard or across the country.

13 Have a family slumber party (inside or outside). But - parents must attend!

14 Planning a finance / night of the family budget. More information about checkbooks, credit cards, bank accounts, budgeting, credit and debt, how to save and invest, interest, good (or worse), etc.

15 Visit the local museum, art exhibition or zoo, etc.

16 Volunteer at the homeless shelter and canteen.

17 go to eat lunch with your child to school every once in a while ', or better yet, check them out of school and take them out to eat (I think that the child prefers the later:)

18 Get in the game and volunteer with Special Olympics next year, or go to the local service centers and development of volunteers.

19 Proceed to go to a family, running, or cyclingAround together.

20 Having a night etiquette. Setting the table for a dinner party, a couple of classes, learn how to make what, where you put your napkin, how to take care of things, politely ask what to wear and use as they sit, etc.

Take 21 more a night and practice on a proper diet, the proportions of food, exercise and health.

22 They go hand in hand: mini-golf, go-karts, paintball, horseback riding, canoeing, climbing, etc.

23 Buy a disposable camerago to all images - to learn photography and possibly go to the mountains and countryside, city, etc. and just do the photos.

24 Do you have a backyard barbecue - invite neighbors, friends and family (the children invite their friends too).

25 Go to the local recreation center as a family and playing basketball, squash or tennis. Go to swim, walk, jog, lift weights or exercise together.

26 See videos of past or family to receivethe old family album and look at pictures together.

27 As a family, go to a local road or park and a clean-up project. Pick up trash around the park, lake, river, road, etc.

At the 28 bird-watching, to find the plants to find insects, wildlife viewing, nature observation, or (at sunset), etc.

29 Take a ride - made from out of town (or go into town) and only for a ride.

30 Cooking together - everyone needs help and learn how to cook a meal.

31 Make aUsed to hide special notes in the pocket of a family member when they go out of town when they go to school, or have a sporting event or music, pillows, etc. We encourage each other tips on bad days.

32 Take a class to learn or teach your children, such as drawing or photograph, paint, sing or dance, to learn a language, play sports or learn a musical instrument.

33 And support for each family member who is involved in sportEvents, shows, conferences, awards, etc.

34 have at least one meal together every day. You have a Q & A during the dinner, every so often, where children feel at ease just to talk to parents and ask any questions or talk about anything and everything on its head. Enough talk, listen, teach us to love and laugh.

35 Building a fortress - Get a cardboard box, scissors, a marker, some chairs and blankets - and building a fortress.

36 Spend a day cleaning the whole familythe house together.

37 Setting up a telescope and watch the stars or planets.

38 Visit community events, religious services or community events.

39 Games - invite your friends, or just play as a family. Play board games, card games, or any other family or group play.

40 Be creative and make your own or do you think of activities that you and your family would enjoy. Even more important, so the time and spend time together as a family!

AHappiness and success of your family!

Family Activities - 40 Fun & Useful Ideas for every family

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption

!±8± Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption

Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption are often race, and just as wonderful, affectionate and energetic as a puppy you should buy. Why go to a pet store or breeder if you can find Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption can? Often free!

Places such as "Labrador Retriever Rescue and Adoption" have pure and mixed blood Labrador Retriever puppy. When we went online shortly, we found Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption, which have been 9 weeks and 12 weeks of age.

Ina "Yahoo Pets" classified ad, we saw 10 beautiful Labrador Retriever puppies for sale in Colorado. The site had classified Hoobly 3 Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption in Idaho.

Labrador Retriever puppies for sale on the Humane Society and independent animal shelters available.

Labrador Retriever puppy who would adopt

One might suppose Labrador Retriever puppy, if:

1 The budget does not allow investments of $ 400 to $ 1500 for aDog

2 They have compassion for unwanted puppies

Many people have great caring heart. You know the puppy Labrador Retriever from the breeder, with their fancy documents, you will find homes. Life is not so safe for puppies to the rescue. They were put up for adoption because the owners wanted, or could not take care of the dogs.

Disadvantages of Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption

Labrador Retriever puppies that may have been set up for adoption there are hidden problems.You will not know about the temperament of the parents. You can also find out whether both parents, health problems that must be inherited by offspring. If you find Labrador Retriever puppies in a shelter, chances are good that the staff knows little about them.

Labrador Retriever puppies in a shelter often lack bonding opportunities. People come and go, but nobody has time to teach puppies how to deal with human companions.

You risk a puppy, helearned to bark loudly for attention - in a room of loudly barking dogs. Labrador Retriever puppies from animal shelters is more than a couple of days to adjust to not-learn to take a couple of bad habits.

Some of these disadvantages can be overcome if you get to Labrador Retriever puppies through a rescue network. Most networks use their adoptive puppies in foster care. This avoids many of the problems shelter.

Some rescue networks are also able to learn more about the cubs background '.Able to assess the breastfeeding mother 'parents' temperaments the puppies' and health. You can begin the basic training and socialization of the puppies. You can ensure that the puppies a good start in life while they wait for their permanent home.

Advantages of the Labrador Retriever puppy for adoption

The benefits of having a Labrador Retriever puppies available for adoption can overcome the disadvantages for you - especially if you get the puppies through a rescue network.

1 Theygive a good home for puppies Labrador Retrievers who otherwise have none.

2 You win, you will be satisfied as long as you teach what is in loving, loyal companion who will do anything.

3 You only pay a small fee, the acceptance (or download for free). But your Labrador puppies are so lovingly cost hundreds of dollars.

Helpful Tip

You can find Labrador Retriever puppies for sale on the Internet. Just enter"Labrador Retriever rescue" the phrase into a search engine. Look at newspaper ads or visit your animal shelter.

Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption

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